Flow to Bakasana


This is a core, chest, and hip focused class leading towards bakasana.

I recently took to Instagram to ask what most of you are currently working on in your practice. There were various answers, ranging from physical to the more spiritual. But by far, most of you were practicing your bakasana!

Bakasana is my favorite arm balance, because it's one of the first yoga "peak pose" that I was able to do. It's a cornerstone of arm balances in yoga, and it gives you an awesome sense of strength once you're...

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Arm Balance75 Minutes
Selanjutnya Core, Hip, and Shoulder Sequence to Headstand
In this class, I take you through a core, hip, and shoulder focused sequence, leading up to a headstand practice at the very end. Remember to stay mindful in your practice and remember that regardless of whether or not you achieve the pose, your practice will help you get there eventually! Having compassion for yourself is one of the best things you can learn in your practice.
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